Contact form - Customer service My Jalou

Contact form - Customer service My Jalou

Do you have questions, comments or special requests? Let us know!

Is your favorite item sold out? Do you want to know if new colors are coming in? Or do you have another question? We are ready for you!

Special Color Requests: Do you have a specific color or print in mind that we do not sell? If you order 4 pieces, we can investigate whether we can produce this especially for you.

Sold Out Colors: We produce small quantities monthly, so we can often ensure that sold out colors are available again within 6-8 weeks.

Share your Experiences: Let us know how indispensable your baby sling has become in your household. Tell us about the benefits of wearing it in your home!

Contact details: My Jalou Turfschipkade 30 2725BT Zoetermeer, +31652540848

At My Jalou we are there to help and advise you. Complete the form and we will contact you as soon as possible!

Contact form